Wednesday Feb 28, 2024

Ep. 3 - Taking the Leap: Nick Sinclair on Launching a Pet Supplement Start-Up


In this episode, Andrew Smith and Lucas Mitchell interview Nick Sinclair, CEO of Animal Biosciences, about his journey from the corporate world to entrepreneurship and his work in developing the groundbreaking pet supplement LeapYears. Nick shares how he navigated from a corporate environment to an entrepreneurial environment by shifting to an ownership mindset where “the buck stops with you” - and comes with its own set of risks and rewards. Nick also shares the story of how Animal Biosciences has navigated the challenges of developing a new product like Leap Years. From concept through validation, setting up manufacturing and logistic components all the way through product launch and clinical trial publication, Nick and his team have been able to navigate all obstacles with resilience. 



  • Transitioning from a corporate job to entrepreneurship requires taking ownership and being responsible for the success of your venture.
  • Continuous learning and adaptability are crucial in the entrepreneurial world, as there is always more to know and new challenges to overcome.
  • Running a startup is more complex and challenging than working in a corporate job, as entrepreneurs have to manage every aspect of the business.
  • The amazing story of LeapYears  -  a clinically proven pet supplement that utilizes NAD boosting and senolytics to enhance cognition and vitality in dogs.
  • Manufacturing a physical product involves navigating supply chains, negotiating with suppliers, and managing complex operations.

About Leap Years

Visit to learn more about this amazing product

Use promocode sowyoucangrow for 15% off your first purchase

Follow @leapyearsdogs on social media


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Executive Producer: Andrew Smith

Producer: Doug Thompson

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